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Disaster Recovery

Dissertações: Disaster Recovery. Pesquise 860.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

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R/3 Disaster Recovery Plan




DATE: 11/21/05


SUMMARY: This is the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for C1 Production R/3 PRE.

Associated Documents (this document should be read in conjunction with)

Title of Document File Location (refer to the most recent version of the file)

Technical Infrastructure Plan

Operations Manual

Document Information

Document History

Version Author(s) Comments/Changes Revision Date

0.01 Anna Wick First Draft 11/21/05

Document Approval

Approver's Name Department/Group Date Approved

Document Distribution

Name or Group Location Date Distributed

Review (e.g., SQA Review, Peer Review)

Review Date Comments Approval Signature

Table of Contents

1. Purpose of this Document 5

2. Approach 5

2.1 Plan Summary and Objectives 5

2.2 Design Assumptions 5

2.3 Process Assumptions 5

2.4 Notification Contacts 5

3. SAP R/3 PRE Disaster Recovery Procedures 6

3.1 <Basis> Stop the PFE system and Database 6

3.1.1 Stop Backup if Running 6

3.1.2 Shutdown SAP & Oracle Applications 6

3.1.3 Stop Oracle Services 6

3.1.4 Stop SAP Services 6

3.2 <Basis> Remove old PFE files and rename PFE directories to PRE 6

3.2.1 Remove files 6

3.2.2 Rename directories 6

3.3 <Basis> Central Instance & Application Server Installation 6

3.4 <Basis> Prepare to restore PRE database to PFE 7

3.4.1 Set the environment variables for PREadm 7

3.4.2 Create the initPRE.utl file 7

3.4.3 Regenerate BKI file 8

3.4.4 Obtain the backPRE.log file from tape 8

3.4.5 Obtain the most recent backup’s logfile from tape 8

3.4.6 Obtain the initPRE.ora parameter file from tape: 8

3.4.7 Obtain the parameter file from tape: 8

3.4.8 Obtain the initPRE.dba parameter file from tape: 8

3.5 <Basis> Restore PRE Files from Tape 8

3.5.1 Restore datafiles 8

3.5.2 Restore Archive logs 8

3.6 <Basis> Recover PRE 9

3.6.1 Start Oracle Service for PRE 9

3.6.2 Roll forward database until last log 9

3.7 <Basis> Open PRE database 9

3.8 <Basis & IBM Tulsa> Update /usr/sap/trans 9

3.8.1 <Basis> Create /usr/sap/trans directory 9

3.8.2 <IBM Tulsa> Restore /usr/sap/trans 9

3.9 <Basis> Configure Oracle Files and Start Listener 9

3.10 <Basis & IBM Tulsa> Initial Start & SAP Configuration 10

3.10.1 <IBM Tulsa> Update DNS 10

3.10.2 <Basis> Request SAP license 10

3.10.3 <Basis> Install New SAP License 10

3.10.4 <Basis> Restore SAP profiles from tape 10

3.10.5 <Basis> Update SAP profiles as needed 10

3.10.6 <Basis> Remove Batch and Spool Processes from the system 10

3.10.7 <Basis> Start PRE Central Instance 10

3.10.8 <Basis> Lock All users 10

3.10.9 <Basis> Import instance profiles 10

3.10.10 <Basis> Operation Modes 10

3.10.11 <Basis> Execute the initial SAP consistency check 10

3.10.12 <Basis> Check Partner profile in PRE 10

3.10.13 <Basis> RFC Server Groups 11

3.11 <Basis> Final Start of PRE with Batch 11

3.11.1 To Activate the batch


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